Tuesday 3 January 2012

Fluoride and the THe Consciousness Revolution................

THe Consciousness Revolution works like this.... on one level...... WE ARE ALL TRIGGERS TO ONE ANOTHER....to see more and more and smell the scams [there are many] 50 miles off........ so yo sidestep and /or terminate them

2012 means shift from Fourth to Fifth dimension as a locale for people#s consciousness..... HARDER AND HARDER to scam     THE VEIL is lifting and we see more and more......    more light and therefore more shadows are revealed.........      PEACE BE  upon humanity

NOW WE GET WISE............


ok this here is MOSTLY for norfolk people and anyone interested in FLUORIDE . fOUND out yesterday 10% of water in great britain fluoridated

was not best pleased to see Anglian Water at top of the list

BUT and this is better if you are in norfolk norfolk has none added

you can enter your postcode here and find out what is in your water [ really exhaustive list of chemicals with amounts listed; very good info]



INTERESTINGLY i have checked many countries for tis now and find vastly varying data

US and Canada in the 60 70% range IRELAND the worst 75% but big campaign there 

none at all in Ulster!!!!

MOst EU countries none at all..... Chile 75 % and so on

if there is a conspiracy to fluoride us all it is not a well concerted action Sweden had it in the fifties noW illegal there no clear pattern.......

STILL i do not want a fucking bleach [fluoride] in my drinking water..... human body is 60% water or thereabouts so REALLY IMPORTANT

Thought i would share all this.......................

1 comment:

  1. Salut Shan, désole pour le retard, voici le lien que tu m'a demande:
