Monday 2 May 2011

well they announced Osama was dead then someone put a video up on you tube and here are the reactions that came down in about one hour

...some amusing some abusive; some showing a lack of any sort of intelligence; and a few profound in one way or the other....

obama made a remark about empty places at american tables

my reply is this

How about all the empty places at the tables of iraQIS and afghanis how about the same empty tables in vietnam in the 60s-70s, Chile, Cambodia, Laos, do Americans not see why some peoople around the world might not be fans of the hegemonic imperialistic ways of their Government and Militaro-industrial complex?? seriously??? Bin Laden was no choir boy but compared to them he was lighweight


Anyway there is still the small matter of NO BODY has been shown like when Che was shot by the bolivian forces SEa-burial hhhhhmmmmmmm

We need photos incontrovertible proof that this REALLY happened not another fiction piece like a bunch of guys who FAILED their civil small aircraft test fly 747s flawlessly

into controlled-exploded towers and their pristine passports ans bandanas are found on the ground storyline they fed us in 2001


Obama: Osama bin Laden Dead - Full Video
Added: 6 hours ago
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Its about time!

ratcw72 8 seconds ago
he is an american agent who was aided by usa to fight against soviet in AFG.i dont knw if he is dead or alive nw or before but obama has used his name in right time to be relected nd call a failing war in AFG a victory.


As an italian who loves America, believe me I'm very happy. USA! USA!

The thing thats not common in two names. i.e oBama AND oSama,take these two u'll get B.S i.e bullshit isn't it crazy,obama was the bull and osama was a shit.

regards[an indian},sorry if i hurt someone

Why would you not like this today is a great day!

218 people are ass holes that believe in OSAMA or there just raciest

is that true that biladen died?


some americans don t like him -

they call him dirty nigger....!!

but he killed bin laden---!!!! the end of all evil???


i lost some pepole say's that bin laden is hidding under ground and some say's theat hes dead

@SeanOMatic Your comment stands out as an island of information in a sea of mental insanity. Thanks!


9ll lies...information age of hysteria is going out to IDIOT AMERICA! Before they assassinated Benazir Bhutto, she disclosed in a BBC or CNN (whatever) interview that Bin Laden was dead. What a joke the war on terror is. Bush family, the Carlyle Group, did business with Bin Laden family. Lie lies dirty sticking lies.

Those S.EA.L.S. should split the $50 million Bounty! I'm Black and proud, and LOVE MY COUNTRY, MY MILITARY and MY PRESIDENTS that took it to these punks! ..... Billionaire loser bored with fukn his 20 wives....ASSHOLE!

Wow! I mean this guy was #1 on the FBI's Most wanted list. this really helps against terrorism.

@DRUNKENRAMBLE yeah sure.. im just a ron paul kinda guy..and as for me i still dont believe a word that guy says

@steroidsR4shitheads bomb all christian

@basketballspinner why would they lie something about that?

@steroidsR4shitheads Shit head...

216 people are terrorists.


Well, it worked on you, at least. Why don't you do some research on Bin Laden and realize the guy has been dead for years and we've used his name to continue to promote wars in Afghanistan? Research how he came into power. Then research how Fidel Castro and several other dictators who are our sworn enemies came to power. Bush didn't take down Bin Laden because we needed to keep occupying Afghanistan. Cheney knew this, You realize Cheney ran shit, not Bush?

what kind of assholes think that this is funny

@seymourbbest SWEET! Obama gun him down. Finally the guy did something. Wow for a moment i was doubting that guy but shit he gun Osama down that is great. Man got his hands dirty.

And down goes bin laden!!! USA! USA! USA!

I am happier when Michael Deadson died then Bin Laden.

@steroidsR4shitheads hahahha xDD 

@dongerado why wouldn't it ...every foul thing said about OUR President up until now has proven false! It's called Melanin ....get over it ... IT'S NOT GONNA EAT YOU!

Suck on that GW Bush. This is how a real president takes care of terrorists who attack the USA. Suck on it you Obama haters.

bin laden has been killed a million times over. i think the first time was in 1973. he will be killed sixteen more times before the close of the century. the us government can make up any story they want to and ram it down your throat. how does it feel to eat shit rammed down your throat? keep ramming fucking idiot barry soetoro. you are a fucking idiot barry soetoro you and your minions.




Congradulations on your next term Prezo!!!

mmm that is soo trange that they killed him.. i wounder if it will help his reelection?????

Sleepin with the Fishies. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

With all the chatter and rumors it is impossible for anyone to be sure what the truth is about anything. So many people claim to know the truth about so many things they did not see with their own eyes, that the truth becomes unrecognizable. Even when you see something with your own two eyes it is sometimes difficult to figure out what really happened. People just latch on to what ever snippet of "information" best suits them to appease their fears without ever really knowing the truth. John 14

@razi7172 agreed


you guys know donald trump would want to see the death certificate of bin laden ... the long form of course

@ZenMaster93 Dude i favorite because it was funny. Just that funny. Is it fact hell no but funny. Ur name Zenmaster biggest joke. I have seen so many zenmasters its old come on create something more thought up not done to death. U claim everything conspiracy news flash if government could know all n do all we wouldnt be having this talk. Next time my favorites is in question we can do that dance 'zenmaster'.

@MrESG213 liar. Chuck Norris was what killed him with a roundhouse kick to the head and he went overboard.

@CubanoBink Lol i hear ya bro. Have a great Monday ^^

2012 is coming and obama is controlled by annunaki...Nibiru is world order its happening now pay attn: The v worst war ever is about to start...Proof why do you think

the hierarchy let obama get elected??? To cause further global dissarray..

@davehenessey Thank you! People think that it's ''trolling'' to say it's photo shopped but with this sort of stuff being done so efficiently and regularly these days there's no proof that that isn't the case.

han matado a Bin laden pero seguirá al-zawahiri tambien tienen que matarlo a el

9 11 was a inside job.amercia is the bigest terriorist.


bin death will be celebrated for years to comei home they chop him up and piss on his body and then give to nicks big time rush so they can make freaky LOVE to him

Oh, reading the conspirasy theories from everyone saying "He's not dead", they have custody of the body, think that means he may be dead.

@lucius215 I don't doubt that it could be a lie, just something so Obama can try to get re-elected, but why not go with it, let it put a smile on your face, it's Monday, not a whole lot of shit to be happy about on Monday, and the Monday shit costs: time, effort, stress. this shit is free, and it at least tastes good!

0:25 - 0:27 .

I can hear it in loop for hours !




I don't know anything and I'd trust the government before I trust some random guy on Youtube. Wouldn't you? Carry on. We just now killed Bin Laden. Believe Obama. Not me.

@danzig159 masterpiece danzig :::::))))))))))))))))))

Anyway there is still the small matter of NO BODY has been shown like when Che was shot by the bolivian forces SEa-burial hhhhhmmmmmmm

We need photos incontrovertible proof that this REALLY happened not another fiction piece like a bunch of guys who FAILED their civil small aircraft test fly 747s flawlessly

intro controlled-exploded towers and their pristine passports ans bandanas are found on the ground storyline they fed us in 2001

shantiq 1 second ago
american people and the world? i didnt know america was connected to the rest of the world and i didnt also know all the allies which you failed to mention in the killing of osama... ,.l.. -.- ..l.,

bowlerama2 8 seconds ago
Osama fucking dies!! Hoorayyy!!! :-D

TheYCM11 8 seconds ago
americans are the only terrorists

glumac16 40 seconds ago
zenmaster93 cant spell.

chestermycheeto 1 minute ago
@Ashothunder211 this is crazy lmfao! This is entertaining as hell!

mizzstacy1989 1 minute ago
About dam time

1000Swole 2 minutes ago
Usaboy, harry, calm the heck down. This isn't a shouting contest. Now go join your side of this like the rest of us and talk there. With inside voices please :).

Kilanna 3 minutes ago
What can I say it's a good day

tonedoggie143 4 minutes ago
Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy hes dead!!!!!!!!!!¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

yourbigbud15 5 minutes ago
"So his demise should be welcomed by all who believe in peace and human dignity" ...because you shot him in the head?? thats real zen like!

anbruce99 5 minutes ago
that sounds fake, maybe he is alive

why in the ocean? so unbelivable

SonGoku544 5 minutes ago
Well, it's historic. But unfortunatly, I think there will be terrible reprisals by the new guy...

RomDesb 5 minutes ago
Looking at these comments, I can say that I never knew that this many people are retarded

TheGhettoFineLaxer 5 minutes ago
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Usaboy20 5 minutes ago
Not a fan of Obama but I am glad that bin laden is gone I trust this country it's were I live love it

tonedoggie143 5 minutes ago
Congratulations USA. The fight against terrorism continues, but this is, without doubts, a great strike 'cause it sends a clear message to terrorists.

xorubs 6 minutes ago





harrymichael1000 6 minutes ago
@mizzstacy1989 same here lol they kill bin why taking his yearly shower

ashothunder211 6 minutes ago
fuck the usa

SonGoku544 6 minutes ago
only stupid americans can believe that

12ttttttttt 7 minutes ago 2
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MrESG213 7 minutes ago

Toon5845 8 minutes ago
I pity the fool NOT buying this shit

TheHCPro 8 minutes ago
even the daily mail years ago said US and UK was covering up that he has been dead for 7 years, and thats even mainstream media...

silentmajorityrules 8 minutes ago
Lmao i got on youtube to watch a video... And ended up on all this wow....

mizzstacy1989 8 minutes ago
bary soetoro otherwise known as barak hussein obama is conceited, self-righteous, effiminate, greedy, selfish, self-centered, warped, diseased, psychotic and the list goes on. [he] was not invited to the wedding in England and is in a power struggle with a 29 year old caucasian named Prince William. this psychotic [president] lies on a regular basis and i do not take orders from this [wierdo]. go to hell bary.

basketballspinner 10 minutes ago
vetepal, brilliant, absolutley brilliant. In the end we all just need to leave britteny alone XD.

Kilanna 10 minutes ago

OnbekendGHC 10 minutes ago
People, he's dead. I think the US special forces! good job they shot him through the head and throwed him the water. Rest in piss, osama bin n00b. Thanks USA! from holland with love

OnbekendGHC 10 minutes ago

periculosu17 10 minutes ago
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vetepalcarajo 10 minutes ago
@RuedasLocas Wow?

117Celcius 11 minutes ago
Stop replying with these hater styled comments, everyone's entitled to their own opinion. If you feel to contradict them, fair enough but calling their opinion stupid? No, just no.

Gagziee 11 minutes ago
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vetepalcarajo 12 minutes ago
and btw Al Qaida is completly run by the great amercian pentagon for years ! It was never a terror organisation ! This shit is no conspiracy - What TV tells u is a conspiracy !

ZenMaster93 13 minutes ago
@ZenMaster93 OMG ur one those people lol.

crazyboycid 10 minutes ago
@crazyboycid ur a hopeless media puppet - bye

ZenMaster93 9 minutes ago
@ZenMaster93 I dont think everything is conspiracy the government is in on everything. The wind blows government the sun rise government. The president farts oh do i need to say more. The media dont get me start they create people like u. Good day to u sweet cheeks :D

crazyboycid 7 minutes ago
@crazyboycid haha are u kidding me ? So u with your wrestling videos on your channel want to tell me that the media creates ppl like me ? God, this is killin me haha WTF are u talking about ? I think u need to go back to elementary school. shit.. .

ZenMaster93 2 minutes ago
Wow! Evil "royal" wedding, John Paul II beatified, and Bin Laden dead all in one week. "There's somethin' happenen' here, what it is ain't exactly clear."

danzig159 14 minutes ago
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this is one heck of a speach!!! go obama!

Rasti5jin 14 minutes ago
dirty lying son of a bitch - i hope u burn in hell. NWO spreading liars. Bin Laden is dead since almost 10 years. TV is lying 24/7, Osame worked for the CIA for years (Google: Tim Osman), those people are liars and more and more ppl need to wake up and fight against those hypocrats !

ZenMaster93 15 minutes ago
@ZenMaster93 holy shit calm down lol. why does politics and religion make ppl so angry?

estring123 13 minutes ago
@estring123 stop living in ur matrix and wake up - WTF has religion to do with that ? Those people are mass murderes and ur telling me to calm down ?

ZenMaster93 12 minutes ago
@estring123 why you wonder? :) that cant be a serious question, Not unless you had your head Up your ass for Like a thousand years. :P

lucius215 10 minutes ago
@lucius215 wtf u on about? i wanted him to chill the fuck out

estring123 8 minutes ago
9/11 was a inside job! Obama and Bush are MURDERERS

ChristianWorldOrder2 15 minutes ago
@ChristianWorldOrder2 Dude knock that shit off already. God u people sick. Omg the everyone was in on 9/11 n they cashed in on it. That is dumb.

crazyboycid 11 minutes ago
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ChristianWorldOrder2 10 minutes ago
@ChristianWorldOrder2 Fuck you srsly fucking sadist hope u get hit by a plane also

iVSpaSuDownx 2 minutes ago
3000 deathsof our civilians

countless deaths of thier civilians.....

this pisses me the fuck off

Siluin 15 minutes ago
Obama said something true:" And yet we know that the worst images are those that were unseen to the world." Indeed, in a world where lots of people die daily because of not having money(and not because of lack of food, because there's food to feed everyone), where we have these elite bastards sucking our money everyday, wars and wars for oil , he is right, I would like to know who's pulling the strings and what is REALLY going on

JOBERALA 16 minutes ago
NINE ELEVEN TRUTH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lorenzopearson 16 minutes ago
You're all a bunch of trolls. If you dont believe it, get in the army and go do it yourself instead of trolling YouTube.

Anna14k 16 minutes ago
Our poor hard done by Jewish 'masters' seem to have run out of plotlines. This is so bad it's embarrassing... all that crap at the start about 9/11, when Bin Laden had nothing to do with it, and the CIA confirmed that he wasn't on their wanted list for 9/11! (The Mossad did 9/11)

How convenient that he was 'buried at sea' - so no evidence! We'll just trust whatever the Zionist media tells us!

packoftwenty 16 minutes ago
wat about british troops you forgot to thank them our troops have surfed your country well

rckyb1 16 minutes ago
I'm cynical. I can't say I safely have any proof as to how he may potentially be alive but where's the proof that he's dead either? Pictures don't prove anything perhaps a video clip including his body would convince me? Either way, all this is going to do is encourage further attacks perhaps capturing him would've been the better option..

Gagziee 17 minutes ago
Ok it might be fake but don't say it's bullshit without proof either. So if we can't prove that it's true nor fake then we shall just wait and see but you people are as stupid as others thinking it's fake by your own logic. Just wait and see but don't stick to one side or the other.

IceKoldKilla1992 17 minutes ago
@IceKoldKilla1992 That is probably the most positive comment i saw about this operation.

MikeTV3 15 minutes ago
@IceKoldKilla1992 "Ok it might be fake but don't say it's bullshit without proof either."

You moron.

Alright then - I am a space alien, because I say so. "don't say it's bullshit without proof either".


The onus is on the moron coming up with the obvious LIES to PROVIDE proof, not on us to prove it's not true. How can we possibly prove that this isn't true? They allegedly buried 'the body' at sea - so there is NO evidence that any of this bullshit ever happened.

packoftwenty 15 minutes ago
@packoftwenty Holy shit. Fuck off you ass hole. i would hate to meet you in real life.

MikeTV3 13 minutes ago
@packoftwenty u still don't know if it's true or false. :D

JOBERALA 12 minutes ago
@packoftwenty its fake not might be lol- use the internet for information not the tv !

ZenMaster93 11 minutes ago
@packoftwenty Ok don't be stupid. I said what I said on this matter not alien crap. And there's other ways to make sure. Maybe you won't try to find out yourself but they could go under water and try to find the body, speak to the people that attended, maybe some video footage. All can try to be found, I didn't say go bring me his body you dumbass. And I hate when people think they don't need proof to show it's fake. People cream out FAKE and that's it?! Yea right!

IceKoldKilla1992 6 minutes ago
hilarious, now I heard at school that obama was a great man because he captured bin laden. Even if that's true, it doesn't matter, this is all BS ffs. Maybe Obama, a nobel prize, got Bin Laden with a peace missile or a peace attack where he peacefully killed other men too. This world is insane. Or we (the 98 % population that has 50% of the world's wealth) wake up or we're gonna have serious trouble in the future, like we've never seen before.

JOBERALA 19 minutes ago
America is worse than Al Qaeeda! Hope a new Bin Laden happears soon and shows you again that you don't own the world.

RuedasLocas 19 minutes ago
@RuedasLocas Spam trash

crazyboycid 17 minutes ago
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oPR0D1GY 19 minutes ago
pure bullshit from the government and its followers

megaghostly1 20 minutes ago
ok now where is the proof?

PaganBorn79 21 minutes ago
you guys are bed at research. i found multiple pics of osama and a bullit between his eyes.(and no,they are not photoshoped for you trolls). sure our government lies to us, but do you have to anounce it every god damb new news we get. get a life.

MikeTV3 21 minutes ago
@MikeTV3 how do you know they are not photo shopped with todays technology? Next time you watch the news, take note of how much you are told compared to how much you actually see.

davehenessey 36 seconds ago
I Can't Believe That All These People Are Buying This Crap, This Is Just A Scheme To Get Re Elected And Finish Destroying Our Country And All These Voting For Obama Are Just Nails In The Coffin,, It's Not About Race, Religion Or Creed None Of That Matters, What Matters Is That Obama Has Done Nothing But Lie To All Of Us Since He Has Been In Office,

beatsbykreature 21 minutes ago
EVERYONE I KILLED OSAMA!! he was going thru my garbage cans so i beat him to death with my pizza box!

MrESG213 21 minutes ago
@Moraine28 This is real life, not scifi, clones (of people) don't exist.

117Celcius 21 minutes ago
Lil to quote...they followed all islamic laws of dumping him at sea...except the bacon sandwich they dived in his  mouth.

jameskracker 22 minutes ago
i believe he is dead but i also believe that killing him may just do more harm than good i guarantee we just shook a hornets nest but we will see what happens

Whitezombie148 22 minutes ago
الله يرحمك يا أسمامة بن لادن

إنت أرعبت أمريكا

‏( ولا تحسبوا الذين قتلوا في سبيل الله أمواتآ ‏،‏ بل أحياء عند ربهم يرزقون )‏

بس الله يسامحك ويعفى عنك في قتل الأبرياء ‏،هذا إللي خربك ‏:‏(‏

Beauty07Girl1 22 minutes ago

kalifani 23 minutes ago
No on that day we were disgusted that with all the money spent on the air national guard they did not intercept 2 jet liners?.that we were told a jet hit the pentagon making a hole the size of a bus?a few frames of it that like a to a cruse missile hit and explosion.a building #7 being demolition in plain sight,A campaign of fear against the citizens with our own weaponized anthrax,the setting up of a police state with cameras and spying where we that see the lies are the terrorists.Idiot !

HANDBALLDIEHARD 23 minutes ago

kalifani 23 minutes ago
Like everyone else here, I smell something bigger brewing and it is honestly kind of terrifying. Like we didn't have enough shit happening in the world already. Still, I couldn't help but LOL at the walking-to-the-podium and scenic views of the White House hallway. Is this how all addresses to the nation will be given now? Choreography's now being worked into it eh?

I've always thought Obama had a darn good speech-writer...whether it's propaganda or not...and this speech was no different.

behbiichibal 24 minutes ago
Proves Obama is desperate for the Presidentship... uses CIA asset Obama as escape goat.

ChrisRoubis 24 minutes ago
Did they kill the right osama bin ladden? They said he got clones that look just like him.

Moraine28 24 minutes ago
erm evidence please?

imawakeish 24 minutes ago
Nearly 3.000 citizens killed in USA? That's nothing coming to the hundreds of thousands they've killed in Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, etc and even before 9/11. Osama said he did it because he saw how the US joined the Israeli military and attacked Palestine and Lebanon people. Still US thinks it's alright to kill them. THEY ARE STILL HUMAN and we have to right to judge them. Hell, who cares what they think, let them live their lives! Why justify the killing with their beliefs?

IceKoldKilla1992 24 minutes ago
well done

ONIL80 24 minutes ago
You people really think this crap is true? 11 years later. Lets see the body. Oh nm they dumped it in the ocean.

Tylenole 25 minutes ago
come on i think thats not true pfffff

93paulos 25 minutes ago
Obama threw a tomahawk from the white house and got Osama best kill cam ever

oPR0D1GY 26 minutes ago
Ladys and gentleman this is pure BS. I don't buy it,!

abysss24 26 minutes ago 3
@abysss24 WHAT!?

sam72bam 11 minutes ago
@abysss24 I hold CIA's sources higher than a guy that doesn't know how to spell the plural of "ladies". If you direct me to Alex Jones or Loose Change, you're an idiot.

MrNorthground 5 minutes ago
Celebration of any death is barbaric, inhumane and uncivilized. How can any of you claim moral superiority?

darrenkills 26 minutes ago
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uc20010 25 minutes ago

So we shouldn't celebrate the death of mass murderers and some of the most evil people in the history of mankind? Like Stalin or Hitler?

EnglishSpider 24 minutes ago
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kakelly4 23 minutes ago
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kakelly4 23 minutes ago
Hey DarrenKills, Why don't you take a step down off your high horse and go fuck yourself

kakelly4 22 minutes ago
Just putting it out there: 'Buried at sea' = thrown off a boat

117Celcius 26 minutes ago
I wish presidents and all other live shows or recordings were spoken from them and not a projector.. Homeboy almost stuttered..

DeVoReAuXs2430 26 minutes ago
Poor Obama, you can tell he dosen't believe a word of what he is being told to read.

davehenessey 26 minutes ago
@davehenessey Poor nothing he is good at that lol. Shit he did it during his whole election. He even said stupid n looked at people n said what im untouchble lol. then after he said there was a buch of people explaining how he didnt mean that n a complete off subject bit.

crazyboycid 23 minutes ago
If we killed him or not, dont you think he would be dead right now? he was like 70 when he blew up the towers.stop the negitivity.

MikeTV3 27 minutes ago
So many stupid ignorant people on here. National security are the people with the anwrs nt "barack obama" . Whoever the fk he thinks he is. He no power over national security. C

megaghostly1 27 minutes ago
Barack Obama just won the presidential election of 2012, thumb up if you are agree.

modern7com 27 minutes ago
@modern7com 2012 is the end of the world wow. I thought it was a joke lol.

crazyboycid 25 minutes ago
OBAMA GOT OSAMA....Hate on GOP trolls!

kalifani 27 minutes ago 2
Osama Bin Laden, hide and seek world champion 2001-2011

Jakkuu360 27 minutes ago
whatever americans believe about mr obama,or any other any country it be,hes the one whos made a considerable change for world by its strong steps against terrorist,congrats america,but its just the begning,Three cheers for mr. Obama

heybabyganpat 29 minutes ago 3
I wish obama was holding a mic in his hand so he could have dropped it before turning around and walking off like a bawse.

ICanHazSteak 29 minutes ago
I was waiting to celebrate Osama's 10th Anniversary on September 11th! :( #LOL

IceKoldKilla1992 30 minutes ago
"Justice has been done"? Well, I stupidly thought "justice" was in a court, with judges, jury...

RomDesb 30 minutes ago
@RomDesb Some people don't deserve a justice, and certainly a bullet on the head was the best thing to do.

uc20010 28 minutes ago
@RomDesb Different type of justice. What he got was easy compared to what he should had happen to him for man woman n child he killed n had killed. U want to cry that it wasnt done it court tough shit. Finally someone put down a rish wihout judge saying its ok.

crazyboycid 27 minutes ago
I don't think its a re election tactic...we dont need to shoot anyone to manipulate election . No this is a much bigger agenda.

jameskracker 30 minutes ago 2
Bin Laden has been dead for a while, they just have used him as the comic-book villain we've needed to keep going at war.

SeanOMatic 30 minutes ago 9
@SeanOMatic really? u mean this is a hoax?

estring123 7 minutes ago
CIA gotta find a new agent now.

RedOrangeSystem 30 minutes ago
God bless America. If you see a soldier on the street tell him America says thank you.

Hillbilly13579 31 minutes ago
Eskette i couldn't have said it better myself.. If obama isn't doing his present job its only because he is too busy playing catch up from the fuck ups of previous president(s) im past sick of people degrading this man. The are trying to find any and everything to say negative

mizzstacy1989 31 minutes ago
Somehow, I am not convinced.

L3gion3r 32 minutes ago
Like 70% of the people who commented on this video half no clue what they are saying !!!

cristian200166336 32 minutes ago
look into the history of all american. Its all been bullshit sweety except for the honest that were killed. "murdered". In "hia

megaghostly1 32 minutes ago
But seriously, I'd rather have obama than bush as president

1nspirationIsKey 32 minutes ago
@megaghostly what counts is the result and all complexities and complot theories I'd say we better bury in the sea, also I find your comment quite stupid honestly, in the view of the relief experienced by many millions all over the planet your sense of realism is shocking low, smoke a joint, may be that helps

FCDHVleerstraat 32 minutes ago
I understand people are of different opinions here. I, myself, am torn between thinking this is all a lie, meant to build up momentum for the re-election, and wanting to celebrate the death of a proven terrorist. If the former is true, it would mean the Obama administration is "sinking" to the low heights of former administrations and it is a scary thing to witness no matter how cynical you are towards the government.

behbiichibal 33 minutes ago
301 views and 197 dislikes. I wonder where the 1749 likes came from.

Treknn 33 minutes ago
@Treknn Yea, That's a very good question... :D

InvisibleRaptorLOL 31 minutes ago
Good job..

InvisibleRaptorLOL 33 minutes ago
This its a total set up for a big act...scary...but b this is truly a load if bullshit..we have never dumped a body at Obama fucking blows for being b involved in this...

jameskracker 34 minutes ago

Well would expect from Americans? If Obama was white no one wouldn't really care, but since he is our first black president we have be all hateful. Which is stupid! Especially since bush left him so much crap to clean up!

eskette 35 minutes ago
@eskette Black white that doest mean anything to me. I got to job I tell them I will do things n i dont follow thru I am liar n broke my word I get fired. Obama president he has follow thru on anything he has broken his word but cant be fired so he can continue hurting this country. Cleaning up a mess is one thing but making a bigger mess is bullshit. Race has nothing to do with it. When u do bad job just means ur doing a bad job.

crazyboycid 30 minutes ago

else one уёбок (мать вашу, когда вы все переведётесь). I know , that USA is not our friend and etc . Libya for example, I understand. But termination of this shit - it is good operation with good result !

Kostya118 35 minutes ago
More than half of the people commenting on this vid dont even know the complexity of the u.s government. Yall are stupid and ignorant people. Obama is full of shit and u all are just puppets of the plan ahead.

megaghostly1 36 minutes ago
This is a reaction from Holland. I find it very good that they dropped Osama Bin Laden

in the sea because now we are all able to piss in his grave. Justice has been done by our American friends once again by the way.

FCDHVleerstraat 37 minutes ago
stop trolling

TEGOKOKI787 37 minutes ago
hillarious how you guys say .."well done US" you just belive what ever comes out of your TV ..god blessed you with your own MIND ..stop being SUCKERS and letting that be taken away !!!!!

JKALIDAS 38 minutes ago
Great speech! Good job military!

And now we should bring back our troops, because mission accomplished! Right?

eskette 38 minutes ago
Obama wasnt the "leader" just a face, and we all know he probably isnt death they must have set a deal (buried at sea seriously?), even so its a great day cuz its another step for the war to be over

Chicley 39 minutes ago
@Chicley i think you mean OSAMA.

TheSamisauce 32 minutes ago
@Chicley lol y ups :p

Chicley 16 minutes ago

TheHomoludens 39 minutes ago
bin boom boom

S0METHING1986 39 minutes ago
@Kilanna i couldn't agree more!!

mizzstacy1989 40 minutes ago
All check out : PNAC (famous "New Pearl Harbour" quote in "rebuilding America´s Defenses" p.54), RAND, Bush´s 09.11.1991 NWO speech, Operation Cyclone, Operation Northwoods

"war on terror" dumbing people into submission


TheHomoludens 40 minutes ago
the bitch is dead the bitch is dead the bitch is dead

niceman0902 40 minutes ago
f-ck yeah !

evilpatat 40 minutes ago
Good work! America still n°1!

RouGeZH 41 minutes ago
Finally then.... This is great! Well done USA. Megatron is dead!

carlo6260 41 minutes ago
Really killed and buried at calling bullshit on this....and did you see that press release ? Just a camera and tape splicing and there are 2 diferent versions so far..some shit storm is fixing to go down...

jameskracker 41 minutes ago

Слышь, ты блядь, ебало завали. Толераст херов. Одним уёбком стало меньше. Хороший уёбок - мёртвый уёбок. Я не "любитель" америкосов, но просто считаю, что в данной ситуации их надо честно, по-совести, поздравить.

Kostya118 41 minutes ago

i wasn't commenting on the fact that you were congratulating them, I think it's an achievement too.

i was commenting on your abusive comment towards ALL arabs and muslims.

calm down, man.... no need to swear at me..

janistonbest 24 minutes ago
People like to argue about everything

MikeTV3 42 minutes ago 2
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behbiichibal 41 minutes ago
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behbiichibal 39 minutes ago
Your a moron if you think Osama is dead , it's just anohter plan made by the USA , they're leaving Afghanistan becauws there is no oil. it was role model.

ridderick 42 minutes ago 2
@ridderick here we go

catchfree84 41 minutes ago
@ridderick Well also Obama is look for a way to be re eleceted. His job thus far isnt getting him there lol

crazyboycid 41 minutes ago
i pity the fool buying this shit.

lucius215 42 minutes ago 21

Too bad there are at least a hundred legions of those fools.. :-(

myquill23 34 minutes ago
@lucius215 Either it's fake and was never done or just killed a random guy or they THINK they killed Osama although they said they verified his body and DNA with that of his dead sister :/

IceKoldKilla1992 29 minutes ago
@lucius215 Why not?

CubanoBink 21 minutes ago
@CubanoBink why not what bro? why not buy this shit? Because shit is for free and Omnipresent already.

lucius215 9 minutes ago
@Kostya118 you need to wake up dude ....the american government are NOT your freinds and have been pulling the wool over your eyes for decades....killing woman and childen in their thousands for oil and power ....

is well known bin ladens been dead for years...

JKALIDAS 42 minutes ago 7
@JKALIDAS better that than let them suicide bomb themselves

estring123 19 minutes ago
If we are pathetic, go bed bch and stop chatting !

lv2tangle 43 minutes ago
''You can run on for a long time,sooner or later God'll cut you down''-johnny cash

raunchy1313 44 minutes ago 2
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wallhackergotdammit 44 minutes ago
People are jumping down obama throat.... Wht has he done that is any worse than any other president? Yes gas prices are high... But people act like obama is personally raised the prices... A terrorist was killed. And thats that. This is the same person that is responsible for thousands of deaths. And stop blamin all muslims. All of them did not plot the 9/11 attacks. Seriously people some of you need to grow up and stop being so fucking closed minded oan OBAMA BITCH!

mizzstacy1989 44 minutes ago 2
Some people (mostly Europeans) get get into there tiny brains is, we just killed a man who killed thousands of our people on our soil. We are just glad he is dead. I know you guys where all worried about ur fukin prince.

MikeTV3 44 minutes ago
sorry, said I was goin to bed, but this is too funny. Unless my phone is wrong, this vid has only 301 views. Yet over 2500 people have placed a dis/like and just as many have commented. Now either my phone/youtube is whacked up or nobody is taking the time to actually WATCH the video. If it's the latter, please, watch what the man has to say before spuing nonsense. And to all the other people who refuse to watch, please, stop trolling, your making yourself look stupid.

Kilanna 46 minutes ago
Well done, Al Qaeeda now get a younger and more vibrant leader! Yay

Cathalio11 47 minutes ago 12
@1nspirationIsKey No, terrorism is attacking for the sole reason of killing and causing widespread panic. Iraq was invaded for reasons of national and global security. If the did launch their weapons, you would be dead, along with everyone else in this world.

117Celcius 47 minutes ago
wow this is like something out of a movie or videogame...what if the whole thing was staged and bin laden… the invisible enemy never existed in the first place…you really think truth comes out that TV

insideaNWO 48 minutes ago
wut war on terr?Fuker is dead , if he realy is , thats great , worlds a better place def but dnt kid yoselves...its wasnt just about the aL kaida ..comoon..

ochowa 48 minutes ago

chelseacfc100 49 minutes ago
The 301th viewer has pulled the trigger

beat43les 50 minutes ago
I have no respect for Obama left.

StereoCherry 50 minutes ago
Like! LOL, my youtube shows 301 views. 1716 like and 193 dislikes too. I like Obama, I liked this speech, and I like that Osama bin Laden died.

mysteriousDSF 52 minutes ago
Congrat's to America and USMC. A+. Congrat's from Russia. Fuck all arabs and muslims.

Kostya118 52 minutes ago

you're a disgrace to our nation, you ignorant fool. I agree that it's been a long time coming that this threat to world security had been removed, but don't go embarrassing all Russians with comments like that :/ jheez... people these days..

janistonbest 49 minutes ago
obama died in 2002 but America has disclosed this now because it wants to quit from afghanistan now. Remember, Moulana UMAR confirmed his death in 2002, however, america didn't accept that otherwise it would not have reason to stay in afghanistan, for destroying pakistan.

uzair1132 53 minutes ago
@uzair1132 sure.. keep believing that.

chelseacfc100 49 minutes ago
@uzair1132 Really??? obama died back then??? i didnt realise this was a ghost j/k man.... you have a typo...

bhavi4all 48 minutes ago
rumors say that Ali Abdullah Saleh have taken his place.

TaizHarmony 55 minutes ago
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wampatoga 55 minutes ago
WHat's up with you people and your theorys, just accept what he said!!

SeezyProductions 55 minutes ago

beedotgeedot 55 minutes ago
Lool bin laden live in to pakistan and in a big house?? hahaha bullshit

StopNoBody 56 minutes ago
Bush, Obama, Gaddafi, Sarkozy has all the terrorists

TheKurd28 56 minutes ago
@gordonthefree17 Yeah, because you don't get something like this independently verified before you announce it to the world or anything. he's probably lying.

Hey look, I dropped some sarcasm.

thesleepingpower 56 minutes ago

He made extra sure to announce that this operation was "AT MY DIRECTION". Negro please. Wanna impress me? DIRECT THAT SO-CALLED GAS TASK FORCE TO LOWER THESE MUTHAFUCKIN PRICES

beedotgeedot 56 minutes ago
goodness sake! stop arguing about who's a terroist and who's not and all this other crap, lets just be thankful that a terroist that killed thousands of people is now dead and can't order the death of any more of these innocent people

qebiko 57 minutes ago
@qebiko no obamas still alive ..... look there he is! and bush+blair , why doesnt someone take them out for the thousands of innocent women and children murdered in their so called "war on terrror"

imawakeish 45 minutes ago
@pussylover1022 Exactly! This has solved nothing

117Celcius 57 minutes ago
@vividalua buried in the sea

shivan30 57 minutes ago

yeah i'll beleive that

TaizHarmony 56 minutes ago

I can't put into words how your comment made me feel. It saddens me greatly and made me tear up. I am Muslim. I am proud. I will not slander you. It is against my religion. Why do you slander me? It too is against your religion.

wampatoga 57 minutes ago
@GeneticallySuperior1 It's obvious you're a racist cretin, from both, what you said, and your username. Thats the whole effing reason people came to America. For F*ing freedom of religion, not to be yelled at by a crazy white racist.

117Celcius 58 minutes ago
Brain Damage.

US Dollar is going down, USA is going down. Slowly but surely. Finally.

USA the biggest Terrorist !!!

2933034 59 minutes ago

periculosu17 59 minutes ago
Xactly moosh!

lv2tangle 59 minutes ago
We don't have wealth & power any more you stupid moron Nigger. You've given it away & committed an act of treason against our country.

GeneticallySuperior1 1 hour ago
I second beardiemalone, thoug some of these theories have been fun to read. I mean come on, we had his bodysince 2002?? I respect most opinions, but not ones that have been based off of screwed paradigms and contorted information, if any info at all. I'm goin back to bed, any nightmare would be a temporary relief from the stupidity of these comments.

Kilanna 1 hour ago
@lv2tangle Wow..thank you! I've been saying this for awhile. They think hating America is "cool", but they don't hesitate to take foreign aid or use our products. (such as the processors in the computers they make cowardly comments with - both Intel and AMD are American companies) It's disgusting. Even worse when an American says these things. The traitors. The government does suck, but not the entire people or country.

MooshiDash 1 hour ago
@6678 your mom needs to stfu :D

seasidestrangler831 1 hour ago
все куплено! бен ладен ушол в отпуск .

даже если покажут его тело, это ничего не значит.

правительство сша(со своей политикой двоиных стандартов и демократией) уже давно потеля доверие , а когда они говорят о своих маленьких победах это смешно. они лицемеры!!!! Единственный президент америки которого стоит уважать это Кенеди и его убили...СВОИ УБИЛИ!!!!! вот это демократия в которой вы живете)))))))

TheKurd28 1 hour ago
@TheKurd28 Ti na 100 prothentiv prav. Illuminati vse kontralirivayet!!!

donjuan86tr 47 minutes ago
Okay they killed Osama bin laden. It's only a matter of time before they choose a new leader....

pussylover1022 1 hour ago
come on pple we all know bush was in on 911 which was a cover up a distraction for what really was going on we went to bahgdad for oil not looking for no weapons of mass destruction come on ten years searching for a lil dusty ass cave man and the whole army couldnt find him, till this day still no weapons but usa is sure digging something over there

TheDanielmendoza84 1 hour ago
Everything that comes out of this niggers mouth is TRASH! he is a phony, fake, liar, deceiver, treasonous, anti- Christ & still clearly stands for the Muslim movement! AND YES! WE ARE AT WAR WITH THE MURDEROUS PEOPLES OF ISLAM! ,

GeneticallySuperior1 1 hour ago
wtf are they teaching you americans in school?!?! 

mrgeebaby86 1 hour ago
@mrgeebaby86 to be a good citizen :)

exchange86 1 hour ago
ridiculous. hes goin down in history as a liar. just like the rest of the american government

Wyteass 1 hour ago
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Dierrhea 1 hour ago
this is a fucking joke... every word he's telling is a LIE! THIS IS JUST A FUCKING MANIPULATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!

pyroghost11 1 hour ago

scottystorch 1 hour ago
I'm Happy now :D

Giovetty7 1 hour ago 2
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ThatKidWithTheVideos 1 hour ago
@Kotlettbengt I wish...some of our worst enemies were at one point given power by the US government. As much as I wish things to suddenly be over, I highly doubt the government has any sense of morality to make that a reality. Another BS excuse will be made to justify keeping Americans in the danger zone.

MooshiDash 1 hour ago
Fk u unable! Do your research. We didn't start this fkn sht but we will finish it. All the forgein countries don't mind insulting us but they sure as hell will take our aid in a disaster.

lv2tangle 1 hour ago
...oh yeah...seen the picture of osama's least he looks happy :)

ptdatnurpipensmkit 1 hour ago
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wesleygibson31 1 hour ago
Just because Osama is dead, it doesn't solve any problems, Al Qaeda is still out there and probably pissed as hell.

117Celcius 1 hour ago
Who's coming diving... so we can exhume his body and drag it behind a car through the streets

wesleygibson31 1 hour ago
WOW the man who killed Bin Laden must feel like a god :D

MEGAxxCamZZ 1 hour ago
Hey that's along walk.

Hobby331 1 hour ago
@crazyboycid he has followed through on a lot, 2 much for me to type. do a simple google search for "what has obama accomplished." the way osama's death has turned into conservative vs. liberal issue is disgusting. u have every right to dislike him but i have every right to call u on ur bs.

omgtaylorswift01 1 hour ago 2
@omgtaylorswift01 No he hasnt. The health care plan he is pulling out of n he backs down when congress threats to shut down. He has done nothing during this term n people are seeing it finally. We charge to another war n that is about it for what he has done. Except this war isnt our problem. I have looked up his so call plans he did almost everyone one of them he never follow thru. That is bs for man to run or not follow thru with what they say.

crazyboycid 1 hour ago
Osama, Im sorry but we need you to die now, ppl are about to forget who you are!

How do we do it then?

Dont worry, you stay in Hawaii while we take care of it. Well just find someone that roughly looks like you and kill him. Dont worry, theyll never find out as were not gonna show them the body, just enjoy the martini and well call u if we need another invisible threat to keep a donkey in the WH.

Archangeladel 1 hour ago
big DEAL.

ptdatnurpipensmkit 1 hour ago
Osama ben laden is a Martyr

koreishite 1 hour ago
what about the woman who died? what's her name?

sunpaye 1 hour ago
What I want to know is: Will USA finally bring their sons and daughters home now that Usama bin Laden is dead?

Kotlettbengt 1 hour ago
@Kotlettbengt U want what obama will tell u or the truth?

crazyboycid 1 hour ago
@crazyboycid How so? I want the American soldiers to be allowed to go home to their families, I don't care what Obama will say about it.

Kotlettbengt 1 hour ago
@Kotlettbengt I agree I want my family homes. My cousin is there my uncle is there. Few close friends are there. I want them home but I dont see it happening to be truthful

crazyboycid 1 hour ago
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Ali3bear2 1 hour ago
Whoever suports Obama is a moron! He did not keep any of his campaign promises, exept for healthcare reform in which he is now trying to get rid of! Watch the movie zeitgeist on YouTube about the federal reserve. if this scumbag is worth shit then he should get rid of the federal reserve!

Dierrhea 1 hour ago
Bye bye osama BIN LINER...hope you rot in a pork infested hell. AINT PAYBACK a motherfucker. USA. USA. USA. USA. USA. USA. Videos will be released soon. If you think they didn't get all this on camera then your crazy. Can't wait to see him lifeless.

wesleygibson31 1 hour ago
@benedicimuste Don't lump in all Americans with that lying sack of manure. Most of us loathe the pandering and political games in Washington. Most Americans want THEIR OWN country's problems fixed instead of the government dicking around abroad. That "typical American" comment is false.

MooshiDash 1 hour ago
Ok so now that Osama Bin Laden has been killed can we please bring our soldiers back home!?!

JV4TV 1 hour ago
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anableps67360 1 hour ago
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anableps67360 1 hour ago
i piss of the 3000 people dead in the africa 1 million hutus and tutsies were killed by the united states.moron country.

anableps67360 1 hour ago
well said

vahay101 1 hour ago
@erion628 Don't believe anything the government tells you unless there's undeniable proof..even then still be cautious

OfficialTechnician 1 hour ago
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TrashMonkey62 1 hour ago
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Rweavz 1 hour ago
@Rweavz .poor english bastard.anableps from france.anglo-saxons english talking are bastards morons like you.UK is samely as usa a whores sons country.

anableps67360 1 hour ago
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anableps67360 1 hour ago

cjm291 1 hour ago
feel pity on blind americans to be fooled... yes congratulation mother fucker to achieve your gole to reach afghanistan and iraq... what a story they made on the name of osama bin laden..... rest what about thousands of innocent killing in iraq and afghanistan... mother fuker,you never releved that...ashole piece of shit americans and their zionist goverment

mona8ify 1 hour ago
usa was murdering everywhere on the earth.cambodia vietnam.usa THE murders country.

anableps67360 1 hour ago

it's spelled white. W-h-i-t-e, you dumb, racist fuck! Learn how to spell. I'm guessing that you are white? Yes? And you don't even know how to spell the word...figures

atlantanaut 1 hour ago
in the words of south park.......celebrate good obama come on...its, no no this is some really serious shit right here.

mtmarksman09 1 hour ago
Typical selfish American.

Think of only themselfes and not to the thousands of innocent civilians, they have murdered during their criminal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan...

benedicimuste 1 hour ago
@benedicimuste lol u didn't do anything to help your nation.. all u have done is only for your're the one who's selfish!

t0mjudgment 1 hour ago
All Muslims deserve to get shot. 

Zambiki6666 1 hour ago
@Zambiki6666 Fucking racist.

Holygamer344 1 hour ago
@Zambiki6666 i am so baffled by your existence.

JQlinee 1 hour ago
@Zambiki6666 That doesn't even make sense. You should really check into some educational opportunities.

ThewordonRefuge 1 hour ago
@Zambiki6666 you need Jesus

SeezyProductions 37 minutes ago
finally.. this motherfucker is dead

PersianWolverine 1 hour ago

cjm291 1 hour ago
@cjm291 The war has just began. Everyone involved with these terrorist groups are going to try to prove themselves in the coming weeks.

ThewordonRefuge 59 minutes ago
@ThewordonRefuge and u don't think the us government isn't prepared for something like that to happen?

iplayfourdays 57 minutes ago
@iplayfourdays I'm sure they are very prepared. I just was commenting that this is just stirring up more trouble.... I think it will get worse before it gets better.

ThewordonRefuge 23 minutes ago
Hopefully the annunaki shit on the middle east in 2012

jameskracker 1 hour ago
Whoever suports Obama is a moron! He did not keep any of his campaign promises, exept for healthcare reform in which he is now trying to get rid of! Watch the movie zeitgeist on YouTube about the federal reserve. if this scumbag is worth shit then he should get rid of the federal reserve!

Dierrhea 1 hour ago
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anableps67360 1 hour ago
@omgtaylorswift01 you moron, here you are talking about how people should "educate" themselves whilst you use "u" and "y" instead of typing the actual words. Before you spout more of your nonsensical rederick, feel free to watch the movie "zeitgeist" about the federal reserve here on YouTube, it seems to me that YOU yourself need to be the one who needs some serious education.

Dierrhea 1 hour ago
You go kill a wretch like any to show that Bin Laden was actually dead?

Then you Americans think that we are all stupid?

This is a way of winning elections, nothing else! Bin Laden has been killed long ago in 2001 ... WAKE UP AMERICANS ... You are taking a lie again!

vividalua 1 hour ago
@vividalua To tell u the truth i believe u n been saying he was dead a long time ago. I also believe that obama will take credit for this n it will define his re election. People are that dumb to do it.

crazyboycid 1 hour ago
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anableps67360 1 hour ago
god bless ?.....god is a bastard a moron.poor american praying monkeys going to church hand on their heart.A DECADENT COUNTRY.

anableps67360 1 hour ago
god bless ?.....god is a bastard a moron.poor american praying monkeys going to church hand on their heart.A DECADENT COUNTRY.

anableps67360 1 hour ago
They rushed in and killed everyone in Osama's mansion his kids and his wife and all of his family. The kids didnt resist and were shot and killed woot!!!

magicchrisbob 1 hour ago
You lost me at "President Bush"

TheFrenchNerd 1 hour ago
...ce même super héros s'est vu SOIGNé à l'hopital de Dubai en 2003 sous la haute protection de la CIA...aujourd'hui, les scénaristes américains on ont marrent et ils annoncent sa Mort ??? et le faire sortir de la Comédie....

LOL..ils sont drôle ses américains!

mslmine 1 hour ago
les USA croient qu'ils vont nous faire avaler la FARCE de Ben Laden...le super héros de cette comédie américaine...crée par les USA, soutenu par les USA et retiré du Scénario par les USA ....en Annonçant SA MORT!

Ce Super héros de cette série TV américaine qui a commencé depuis les années 80' s'est vu Soutenu pour contrer l'URSS, il a participé à la mise en scène des célèbres attentats américano-américaines contre le WTC en 11 septembre 2001

mslmine 1 hour ago
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anableps67360 1 hour ago
War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature, and has no chance of being free unless made or kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.

~John Stuart Mill

JohnyKimbled 1 hour ago
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anableps67360 1 hour ago
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anableps67360 1 hour ago
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anableps67360 1 hour ago
I am glad that fkr is dead. Great job military !

lv2tangle 1 hour ago
USA USA USA God bless Americe From Hungary

kulcs911 1 hour ago
he came out of his office, he read the story in front of a camera, and he return back in his comments, no questions, no nothing....we believed you

astrallife 1 hour ago
So the whole he died from kidney failure years ago was suddenly forgotten eh? The timing..right around the time of the royal wedding and Trump bringing up the birth issue again. With Obama's massive ego, something smells funny. The man spent lots of money conserning his birth instead of using his authority to release the written records to hush up doubters, vacations in Hawaii while the country tanks and also started shit in Liberia. Excuse me for not trusting Mr. Obama at all.

MooshiDash 1 hour ago
Now its one less to worry about right? next is Gaddafi xD

MegaZerOTV 1 hour ago
Interesting, what kind of terrorist attacks will be apply in USA to revenge for bin Laden's death?) Or you're thinking that's the end?) Don't relax, America.

Привет из России

telfear67 1 hour ago
The CIA trained Osama Bin Laden lmao get your facts straight. 7-11 was obviously an inside job and used as an excuse to invade Iraq for their oil. Fuck America 

Dez13040287 1 hour ago

?????????????????? WTF

jokebox1996 1 hour ago
@Dez13040287 Trash

crazyboycid 1 hour ago
@Dez13040287 u mean 9-11?

jimnguyen21295 1 hour ago
@Dez13040287 Haha 7/11 are you saying Indians did it.

villebilly331 1 hour ago
Well he beat Anne Franks hide n' go seek record.

90W7 1 hour ago
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anableps67360 1 hour ago
You watch the Media lick Oh.bummer's shoes on this one. in other words, A Bomb with a "D" on it is a good Bomb, a Bomb with an "R" on it is a bad Bomb!

God Bless our Soldiers who have brought justice to our fallen ones, but Fuck our Corrupt Lying sack of Shit leaders who do nothing but gain off the Blood of our fallen ones!


reSAVAGEGUY 1 hour ago
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anableps67360 1 hour ago
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anableps67360 1 hour ago
yankees=people praying god (this moron) going to church.a hand on the smoking but childs with guns.a bastard country.

anableps67360 1 hour ago
congratulations USA

from Spain

Tanof7 1 hour ago
After almost 10 years of manhunt operation.. "Man destined to die once and after that to face JUDGMENT" Hebrews 9:27

Now bin laden will be on his destination after his judgment..

t0mjudgment 1 hour ago
Listen to 4:19 It's cut togheter there it sounds really wierd...

mohaha1223 1 hour ago
good job Obama, but America get ready for some "heavy" retaliation from tha taliban. smh shit is gonna get crazy over the next couple years.

mdotez 1 hour ago
Who still belives these lies?

leikep85 1 hour ago

ACosmicFuckYou 1 hour ago
How can you be happy?!! You killed a man. No one deserves that. As a great man once said "By killing a monster without first understanding and trying to change the monster, you yourself have become the monster". Yes he supposedly killed millions, but so did Alexander the Great, King Xerxes, and the numerous rules of China. Did they deserve death? No. They were just misguided. What makes Osama any different?

wampatoga 1 hour ago
good speeche obama, go go go go. btw stfu up paranoid youtube people.

CartmanLandZ 1 hour ago
He whistles every time he says "s". He sounds like that old man from Family Guy who's always going after Peter's son.

TonicMike 1 hour ago
And most important new accross to the american people.

Ntaylor619 1 hour ago

TheXyster 1 hour ago
Take a look at this video made Sept. 11, 2010..................../watch­?v=sTWVlVLTSx8

3rdStoneObliterum 1 hour ago
@eQuizOkTV How can it be fake when Obama has just spread the biggest and most a

Ntaylor619 1 hour ago
justice has been done..... and justice for all :-(

markgandalf 1 hour ago

kylewick1991 1 hour ago
commemorate the death of someone is very sinister

wagner0401 1 hour ago
Osama at one point did work with cia still he was dirty as fuck and not innocent ...He took credits for many more terrorist acts africa and yemen..this just shows the true muslim agenda...they kill many of us and when we return your tactics back at you act like we wronged...shit in shit out doosh bags. USA just opened your eyes and destroyed your leader...plenty more where that came from...obama is exactly the same as gw..a mouthpiece!!!!

jameskracker 1 hour ago
AMERICA full of 300 millions BASTARDS AND WHORES.

anableps67360 1 hour ago
LOL..Sheeple...lookb at what's in my left hand while I take ur wallet out with my right. Hey Folks, isn't it odd that they buried his body at sea and didn't hand it over to afghan officials or family? Nice and tidy like. No evidence of death. Only TV. mesmerized by the colors on the you'll believe a vaccine should be taken every year.

OneBeanLeft 1 hour ago
@OneBeanLeft I think you lost your last bean :\

villebilly331 1 hour ago
only a fucking MORON would believe this story, as well as believe there ever WAS an "Osama bin Laden". Like there was a "Gulf of Tonkin", right?

3rdStoneObliterum 1 hour ago
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MegaVanessa28 1 hour ago
Would have been years back when British Special Forces had him cornered but they had to let the Yanks take over so they could take the glory then the dumb fucks let him escape.

compx100 1 hour ago

LEDMONDS83 1 hour ago

Regards and respect from the U.K.

newsense87 1 hour ago
Well done America!!!!!! once again UK thanks you. Thank you Navy Seals and thank you Obama.

TheL8on 1 hour ago
But he will use the Blood of our brave Men in uniform, to further his assault on our way of life, and our Sovereignty as a Powerful Nation.

who does this Idiot think he's fooling ?

reSAVAGEGUY 1 hour ago
Oh perfect timing... realy... how did this great coincidence (record low obama aproval, beggining of pre election bid, illegal wars everywhere) come about... hmmm... Maybe, Osama was dead since circa 2002- but they just waited for the right time to launch this BS psyop...


SiemaZiomek 1 hour ago

eQuivOkTV 1 hour ago
These are not polite suggestions, these are codes of behavior and those of you that ignore them will pay the dearest cost.

There are varying degrees of evil, we urge you lesser forms of filth not to push the bounds and cross over, into true corruption, into our domain.

kylewick1991 1 hour ago
Now you will receive us. We do not ask for your poor, or your hungry.

We do not want your tired and sick. It is your corrupt we claim. It is your evil that will be sought by us. With every breath we shall hunt them down.

Each day, we will spill their blood till it rains down from the skies. Do not kill, do not rape, do not steal, these are principles which every man of every faith can embrace.


kylewick1991 1 hour ago
where is the body of the dead man?

vividalua 1 hour ago 5
Bottom line is, This Idiot Oh.bummer, will take full credit for this mission, to help get him re elected.

two weeks after he said that Military soldiers would not get their pay upon a Government shut down!

What the Fuck is that shit!

reSAVAGEGUY 1 hour ago
@reSAVAGEGUY Oh don't worry, he won't get re-elected. I just hope we have a good option this time so I don't have to keep voting for whoever is the least bad.

TonicMike 1 hour ago
@TonicMike I hope ur right seriosuly. Worse person to even get elected.

crazyboycid 1 hour ago
Obama is a lying bastard and so is the US government. If Osama is dead, I want to see his body. It is impossible for the us to kill Osama without sustaining injuries. He would have many guards in his complex that have twice the spirit of the American soldiers. The reason Obama said no injuries were sustained was so that they didn't have to name the injured soliders because in reality there were no soliders. This is either the government trying to increase hate towards Islam or trying to ra

wampatoga 1 hour ago
well done USA. although it was almost a decade late, you succeeded to give the biggest blow to the terrorist organisation of al qaeda... to the anti usa supporters commenting here, i can say 1 thing: you are constantly misinformed about usa and its actions, so get straight and accept this as a good thing....

lordoftheriffs79 1 hour ago
obama obama...

sahiljaswal27 1 hour ago
Are you guys seriously arguing right now? Can't we all just be happy he's finally dead? I personally applaud the Obama administration for finally taking action against that monster. Cheers from the UK.

Linoxism 1 hour ago
Not good news for fox news...

donq259 1 hour ago
I hope someone pissed in his face before they threw his ass to the sharks.

Kurgan420 1 hour ago 4
ben laden is a gayfish.

clamsstyle8 1 hour ago 2
@Kurgan420 They had a hangover from partying, that's why.

MooGooTo0oW 1 hour ago
How about all the empty places at the tables of iraQIS and afghanis how about the same empty tables in vietnam in the 60s-70s, Chile, Cambodia, Laos, do Americans not see why some peoople around the world might not be fans of the hegemonic imperialistic ways of their Government and Militaro-industrial complex?? seriously??? Bin Laden was no choir boy but compared to them he was lighweight

shantiq 1 hour ago
Bin Laden was a CIA patsy. Our own government and its contractors planned and executed 9/11 to be used as justification to start war in Iraq. What America lost on 9/11 is a mere pittance compared to what the Banksters gained from the war. Isn't interesting that Bin Laden's family owns Bin Laden Construction Co in the Middle East and George Bush is on the Board of Directors. Besides political mileage, I wonder what Obama is getting out of this?

BassicPeach 1 hour ago 12
@BassicPeach Obama is getting the so called credit for the kill, interesting move as he is about to start campaigning and much needed after the sunken approvals and the fake birth certificate, Police state will be next once the $ gos. 

ParkerBe23 1 hour ago
@ParkerBe23 FAKE BIRTH CERTIFICATE? You've got to be out of your mind.

thesleepingpower 52 minutes ago
There is one question that required many answer,is it true that osama is dead,where is the body,the certificate of death,where the body is their an answer to all these question.?

Oyebisi12 1 hour ago
@Oyebisi12 they buried him at sea,, ??? if people buy this there is no hope..

cocofrmlaois 1 hour ago
lol exactly!

reSAVAGEGUY 1 hour ago
@crazyboycid again, please educate yourself before you speak. u have absolutely no idea what ur talking about. i dont mean to hate, but people like u r part of the problem.

omgtaylorswift01 1 hour ago
@omgtaylorswift01 Can u tell me any of the promises he made that he kept? Congress knows he will back down when he says he wont compromise he has done it twice. U want to be proud of a man like thats ur bit. Its ur american right to do so. As its other americans right to dislike this guy.

crazyboycid 1 hour ago
175 are terorists.

TheShuryansh 1 hour ago
Yea, do you have any idea of the number of golf holidays and vacations Oh.bummer has had @TonicMike ?

try triple what bush did!

reSAVAGEGUY 1 hour ago
@reSAVAGEGUY probably a lot. The guy is a douchebag.

TonicMike 1 hour ago
@reSAVAGEGUY Thank u.

crazyboycid 1 hour ago
@Singlaki...wrong we don't wasn't to be in the middle east most amercans don't give a shit what happens all means blow each other up...u don't benefit us in any way here or there.

jameskracker 1 hour ago
Obama you Gansta!

cncnzstarlin 1 hour ago
Now that Bin Laden is dead there's probably just going to be another guy to go after.

TonicMike 1 hour ago
USA! USA! USA! USA! USA!!!!! i fuckin love this country wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

bleachingiants1 1 hour ago
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valentyn0 1 hour ago
okay... hes dead and know? they got a new leader, yay! -.-

if osama is dead it doesnt mean al Qaida is dead to

MrBozghale 1 hour ago
So now a nuclear devise will explode in Europe?

HerrNoWar 1 hour ago
@kylewick1991 Yes they did. I just hope it this lessens the discrimination against immigrants in the US. I was just watching CNN and right after this guy's death, a band of Americans started throwing eggs in front of an establishment of an Arab-American, and to him as well. We can't really be very satisfied without and proof. Its actually said that Pakistani Tv Stations can't really confirm a clear image of Laden himself.

sundeeptoor3333 1 hour ago
lol I am laughing at " JUSTICE IS DONE" :)

manipulated people.

jonskislo1 1 hour ago 19

Manipulated people, manipulated big LIARS....ben laden is a former CIA soldier!!

mslmine 1 hour ago
Grow up People!

Lambchoppeee 1 hour ago
Countless trolls! Haha

jermy52 1 hour ago
donno if it's true.... but obama's freak'n awesome annyway

acathosh 1 hour ago
Wow, I can't believe I wasted my time reading some of these comments. Conspiracy theories, racism, some retard who says that Americans hate Muslims...if Osama was innocent then why did he publically take credit for the 9/11 attacks and many others?

BeardieMalone 1 hour ago
I just want to say YEAH!! BBBBBBBOOOOOOOOiiiiiiiiiiii!!!­! Finally the shit bag is in HELL!!

theveta72 1 hour ago
brainwash.the americans were searching any cause to get involed into middle east.

singlaki 1 hour ago 2
Fake and gay!

Treknn 1 hour ago
@Treknn Find a better term to describe your feelings please. No need degrade people.

ThewordonRefuge 45 minutes ago
The fact that a small Seal team can get into Osama's compound, kill him and bring back his corpse without any American casualties proves how badass we are and how shitty they are.

Kurgan420 1 hour ago
Fuk u anabelp u couldn't do half the stuff he does so die fuk a spiky palm tree get ur nob cut off and say sumthing normal for once

takenit10x 1 hour ago
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mldnathai 1 hour ago
@BBKNG39 Of course we funded him and the Taliban when they were our allies. But they quickly overstepped their bounds and we pulled support. Osama was a butt-hurt bitch. Nothing more.

nexus1g 1 hour ago
i hate obama bin laden . Fuck usa . You guys deserve 911

Prostreetcrazy 1 hour ago
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oXXoCOOKIEoXXo 1 hour ago
@Prostreetcrazy jerk

gurraglad 1 hour ago
@Prostreetcrazy Wow dude... you've got some serious problems saying something like that!!! You may not like our president but to say countless innocent people deserve to die is really messed up!!!

ThewordonRefuge 1 hour ago
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SeelLast15 1 hour ago
The United States funded Al Qaeda. Osama has been dead since 2002.

xLuckyLuciano 1 hour ago

Babakaka4 1 hour ago
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anableps67360 1 hour ago
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anableps67360 1 hour ago
gah these comments r an embarrassment. other countries must be horrified when they c how some americans talk about their president. he is trying to help but y r people so adamant about staying poor and miserable. this is a terrorist leader's death not an opportunity to spew nonsense about our president. i beg u to educate yourselves and stop embarrassing america.

omgtaylorswift01 1 hour ago
@omgtaylorswift01 Thats hog wash. Other countries say worse about our president. I am american I love this country but wittness to Obama n his action thus far sorry cant support such sloppy n awful job. His 1 to pull off all his promises n be a leader for a change. Sorry I do not share the same thoughts about this man. I am glad we rid the world of a terrible person but Obama isnt to thank for it.

crazyboycid 1 hour ago
Fuck you Oh.Bummer!

you had nothing, Nothing to do with this Kill you Fucking anti American Hating Punk!


reSAVAGEGUY 1 hour ago
I still don't know what Obama has anything to do with all this trash talking. Obama DID not "fuck up" America. America already was going down hill WAYY before he was even president. Its sad that I'm stuck in a country with many ignorant Americans. No, this isn't a free country for all (gays?), but Obama is not to blame. Grow up America..

Uniquemalay 1 hour ago
IT's stupid he has to read from a teleprompter..

92BMW318is 1 hour ago
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wampatoga 1 hour ago
Europe do not fall so low as the Americans who take a monkey gone down from the tree as president.

anableps67360 1 hour ago
Really? And you think you are a true European? After saying this shit? Please.

bushicrab 1 hour ago
Now will there be change?!

MooGooTo0oW 1 hour ago
I don't get it. You Christians hate Muslims even though Islam and Christianity are virtually the same with a few twists and the whole Prophet Muhammad thing. Yes Bin Ladin was killed, but at what cost? It was never proven he was guilty. America honestly is full of BS. What happened to justice. Where was his trial? Good job America, you may have just ruthlessly murdered an innocent man.

wampatoga 1 hour ago
I dont know who is worse the terrorists in Iraq or the goverments in America. Why not take him and trial him for his injustices? He would have suffered more being alive. Killing him gave him an easy way out. No justice has been done, all I see is another person getting killed...where is the justice in that? Why would Christians do this? Either way, I would like to see a body, news like this always seem to "come at the right time" and I think showing the world some proof would be great.

Gavin000Gsus 1 hour ago
R.I.P. Tim Osman

dankrug572 1 hour ago

GeekRecords 1 hour ago
Well done !

Good job USA !

Juistice is done.

But the fight is not over.

God bless america.

From France.

Congratulation to the Navy Seals.

TheMusulmicide1 1 hour ago 5
FUUUUCCKING FINNAAALLY president bush u suck :p

jihad76239 1 hour ago
So the U.S. killed Bin Laden and they buried him at sea???? ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? They BURIED HIM AT SEA???? What a fucking joke

DevieBoy66 1 hour ago
It's sad to see that half of these comments are about racism and conspiracy theories. You're only needlessly giving yourself the need to hate something. Just accept the facts and put the effort that you're now making in investigating conspiracy theories and ethnic hate in to education. Show some respect for the people that are keeping the world from going to shit. Don't make yourself part of the problem.

yeahdawg91 1 hour ago

92BMW318is 1 hour ago
he says, " my priority " as though it wasn't the priority of the Bush administration.

you can see right through this Ass Wipe!

reSAVAGEGUY 1 hour ago
@reSAVAGEGUY I'm not a fan of Obama but the priority of the Bush administration was to play golf and feed propaganda to Fox news.

TonicMike 1 hour ago
@TonicMike Explain during the countries crisis n when he gets us involved in another war why obama finds it fit to take vacations? Explain that. No body calls Obama on that shit but ur going to call bush on golf. How about obama bailing out to go to his family n left clinton to take care of things. I see why but president country comes before family. So u have complaints on bush why not do it to Obama as well

crazyboycid 1 hour ago
@crazyboycid I didn't say I'm a fan of Obama. I think he's a lying, apathetic weakling.

TonicMike 1 hour ago
@TonicMike he is.

valentyn0 1 hour ago
thank god!!!

tipsy801 1 hour ago
Justice has be done..

ravi7020 1 hour ago
straight up im glad he's gone. fuck bin laden.

nobody9089 1 hour ago
i'm an american and i don't blame the people here stating they hate us. We as americans have become selfish, money grubbing, over spending society caught up in petty shit, like bullshit sports and entertainment meant to distract us from whats around the corner for us financially. And it doesn't look good. Meanwhile other countries sit back and laugh at our arrogance, believing somehow america is above the laws of economics. The sheeple our nothing more than flag waving hype americans.

BBKNG39 1 hour ago

oh cmon just say it-watch zeltegeist right?

its same as reading dan browns books and beliving in them

tujeslovenija 1 hour ago
Fuck u islam!

thegtaIVlover 1 hour ago
How dare this fool Oh.bummer use this Kill, for an up coming campaign prop when the military he said would not get paid during a Government shut down, has been hunting that AssHole for ten Fucking years. long before he fooled everyone into him moving into the white House, head office of a great nation that he despises!

What a Fucking Moron he is!

reSAVAGEGUY 1 hour ago
Jack Bauer was responsible for this.

ZiyusTV 1 hour ago 4

ThePalestinians911 1 hour ago
@ThePalestinians911 retard

gurraglad 1 hour ago
Officail report George Bush shot allah in the face there is no body because the porto potty cleaners sucked that shit up ;)

jameskracker 1 hour ago
First few hundred comments. Honored

pyroclasticbomb 1 hour ago
Ever heard of decoys? wat if the other times it was

Zman263 1 hour ago
greetings to obama

Alimzhan911 1 hour ago
Why the fuck are people so damn racist man? SO childish I'd like to see all the faggots taking shit say that to their face and anyone related to how you guys talk on the Internet. Or even me, say that to my face and see what happens. If you don't like what's happened to the country, GTFO. There wouldn't be any different ethnicities if it wasn't for the leaders from before Obama so go talk to them

McCloudster0015 1 hour ago
For those of you who decided to dislike this video, you are un-american.

hazyeyes44 1 hour ago
I am so Happy,Thank you Lord, But we still need to be aware by the fucken wrest of the Terrorists .RIP to all Solders of all Nations that helped God bless you all

DavidLinebeck 1 hour ago
@DavidLinebeck -__- cool

OTTBlindfish 1 hour ago
@BBKNG39 Amen brother.

xLuckyLuciano 1 hour ago
Which Ben Laden Ben CIA was killed ? The real one ( probably dead long time ago) or the one of "the confession video"which tries to explain something that FEMA, Kean-Hamilton, NIST1 , NIST 2 failed to explain properly

GTAGIS 1 hour ago
Walkin up to the podium lik a PIMP

wtcantfw89 1 hour ago
america is just shit

busybee786 1 hour ago
@busybee786 We are going thru bad times but not shit. Bright side we took out a man that is a world threat. America isnt shit but our leader is right now.

crazyboycid 1 hour ago
@crazyboycid yeah im saying this to ur leader!

busybee786 48 minutes ago

anableps67360 1 hour ago
Awesome just pure awsomness! My head is exploding from the awsomness!

StonedBob3 1 hour ago
@StonedBob3 .SHUT up whore.bastard

anableps67360 1 hour ago
@TheSirenSays But i dont knonw why it took so long they knew he was hiding where he was killed but better late than never

217champion 1 hour ago
another evil lie by blacky!!

busybee786 1 hour ago
George bush was a terrorist.

1nspirationIsKey 1 hour ago
@1nspirationIsKey Explain how?

crazyboycid 1 hour ago
@crazyboycid what he done to iraq? do you not remember?

1nspirationIsKey 1 hour ago
@1nspirationIsKey He attacked when people demanded we strike back for 9/11. We took out a ruthless leader who was danger to us n his people. After he was dealt with I agree we should of left. Tell me what Obama is doing right now worse or better? He went to Libya where we have no business bombed already n have troops there. No declartion has been announced.

crazyboycid 57 minutes ago
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